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Matthias C. Huber, Andreas Schreiber, Lara G. Stuehn, Stefan M. Schiller (2023). Programming protein phase-separation employing a modular library of intrinsically disordered precision block copolymer-like proteins creating dynamic cytoplasmatic compartmentalization. Biomaterials 2023 Aug; 299:122165. doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2023.122165 Falk J. Tauber, Laura Riechert, Joscha Teichmann, Nivedya Poovathody, Uwe Jonas, Stefan Schiller & Thomas Speck (2022). Unit Cell Based Artificial Venus Flytrap. In: Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems. Living Machines 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13548. Springer, Cham. Sandra Haas, Monika Desombre, Frank Kirschhoefer, Matthias C. Huber, Stefan M. Schiller and Juergen Hubbuch, "Purification of a Hydrophobic Elastin-Like Protein Toward Scale-Suitable Production of Biomaterials" Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., 22 June 2022; Matthias C. Huber, Uwe Jonas, and Stefan M. Schiller, "An Autonomous Chemically Fueled Artificial Protein Muscle" Adv. Intell. Syst. 2022, 2100189, 2022-01-13, DOI: 10.1002/aisy.202100189 Steffen Luedeke, Philipp Lohner, Lara G. Stuehn, Martin U. Betschart, Matthias C. Huber, Andreas Schreiber, Stefan M. Schiller "Dynamic Structural Changes and Thermodynamics in Phase Separation Processes of an Intrinsically Disordered–Ordered Protein Model" Angew. Chemie Int. Ed. 2022, e202112738, Vol.61 Issue 3, DOI: 10.1002/anie.202112738 Steffen Luedeke, Philipp Lohner, Lara G. Stuehn, Martin U. Betschart, Matthias C. Huber, Andreas Schreiber, Stefan M. Schiller "Dynamische Strukturaenderung und Thermodynamik von Phasentrennprozessen eines Proteinmodells mit intrinsisch ungeordneter/geordneter Struktur" Angew. Chemie 2022, e202112738, Vol.134 Issue 3, DOI: 10.1002/ange.202112738 Cordula S. Hege, Dorothea Siegel-Axel, Konrad Kohler, Nicolas Delorme, Vincent Le Houerou, Stefan M. Schiller*, and Juergen H. Dolderer*, "Biopolymer Systems in Soft Tissue Engineering: Cell Compatibility and Effect Studies Including Material, Catalyst, and Surface Properties" ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 2020, 2, 8, 3251–3258, DOI:10.1021/acsapm.0c00359 Schreiber, A., Stuehn, L., G. Geissinger S. E., Huber, M. C., Schiller, S. M. "Directed Assembly of Elastin-like Proteins into defined Supramolecular Structures and Cargo Encapsulation In Vitro" J. Vis. Exp. (158), e60935, DOI:10.3791/60935 (2020) Geissinger S. E.*, Schreiber, A.*, Huber, M. C., Stuehn, L. G., Schiller, S. M. "Adjustable Bioorthogonal Conjugation Platform for Protein Studies in Live Cells Based on Artificial Compartments" ACS Synthetic Biology 2020, DOI: 10.1021/acssynbio.9b00494 (*equally contributing authors) Schreiber, A.*, Huber, M. C.*, Schiller, S. M. "A prebiotic protocell model based on dynamic protein membranes accommodating anabolic reactions" Langmuir 2019, DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.9b00445 (*equally contributing authors) Huber, M. C., Schreiber, A., Schiller, S. M. "Minimalistic Protocell Design: A molecular system solely based on proteins constituting a dynamic vesicular membrane embedding enzymatic functions" ChemBioChem 2019, DOI: 10.1002/cbic.201900283 Schreiber, A.*, Stühn, L. G.*, Huber, M. C., Geissinger, S. E., Rao, A., Schiller, S. M. "Self-Assembly Toolbox of Tailored Supramolecular Architectures Based on an Amphiphilic Protein Library" Small 2019, DOI: 10.1002/smll.201900163 (*equally contributing authors) 2019 2018 Rao, A., Drechsler, M., Schiller, S., Scheffner, M., Gebauer, D., Coelfen, H. "Stabilization of Mineral Precursors by Intrinsically Disordered Proteins" Adv. Funct. Mater. 2018, 28, 1802063 Klein, S., Aung, T., Haas, R. M., Nedved, F., Schiller, S., Felthaus, O., Dolderer, J. H. „Tissue Engineering von Fettgewebe mittels bioabbaubaren Biomaterialien zur Weichteildefektdeckung“ DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-115117, April 2018 Handchirurgie • Mikrochirurgie • Plastische Chirurgie 50(02):83-92 Pham, T. A., Schreiber, A., *Schiller, S. M., *Coelfen, H. “Toroidal Protein Adaptor Assembles Ferromagnetic Nanoparticle Fibres With Constructive Magnetic Coupling” Advanced functional Materials 2017, 1604532, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201604532 Matthias Kollek, Gesina Voigt, C. Molnar, Fabronia Murad, Daniela Bertele, Christopher Felix Krombholz, S. Bohler, Verena Labi, Stefan M. Schiller, Mirjam Kunze, Stephan Geley, Charlotte M. Niemeyer, Ana Garcia-Saez, Miriam Erlacher “Transient apoptosis inhibition in donor stem cells improves hematopoietic stem cell transplantation” J. Exp. Med. 2017 Sep 7. pii: jem.20161721. doi: 10.1084/jem.20161721 IF 11,991 Silvan Klein, Robert Michael Haas, Fabian Medved, Stefan M. Schiller, Oliver Felthaus, Jurgen H. Dolderer “Tissue engineering of adipose tissue with biodegradable biomaterials for soft tissue reconstruction” / “Tissue Engineering von Fettgewebe mittels bioabbaubaren Biomaterialien zur Weichteildefektdeckung” Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir DOI 2017; 49: 1-9 IF 0,692 Quast, R. B., Ballion, B., Sonnabend, A., Varga, B. R., Wuestenhagen, D. A., Kele, P., Schiller, S. M., *Kubick, S. “Cell-free synthesis of functional human epidermal growth factor receptor: Investigation of ligand independent dimerization in Sf21 microsomal membranes using non-canonical amino acids” Nature Scientific Reports 2016| 6:34048 | DOI: 10.1038/srep34048 Garcia-Masso, X., Huber, M. C., Friedmann, J., Gonzalez, L. M., Schiller, S. M., *Toca-Herrera, J. L. “Automated detection of protein unfolding events in atomic force microscopy force curves” Microscopy Research and Technique (Microsc. Res. Tech., Wiley) 2016 DOI 10.1002/jemt.22764 Poh, P.S.P., Hege, C., Chhaya, M.P., Balmayor, E.R., Foehr, P., Burgkart, R. H., Schantz, J.-T., Schiller, S., Schilling, A.F. and *Hutmacher, D.W. “Evaluation of Polycaprolactone-Poly-D,L-lactide copolymer as biomaterial for Breast Tissue Engineering” Polymer International (Wiley) 2016 DOI 10.1002/pi.5181 Pham, T. A., Schreiber, A., Sturm, E. V. (nee Rosseeva), *Schiller, S. M., *Coelfen, H. “Hemolysin coregulated protein 1 as a molecular gluing unit for the assembly of nanoparticle hybrid structures” Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2016, 7, 351–363. Hege, C. S., Schiller, S. M. "New Bioinspired Materials for Regenerative Medicine" Current Molecular Biology Reports 06/2015; 1(2):77-86. Schreiber, A., Huber, M. C., Coelfen, H., Schiller, S. M. "Protein-Adaptor with Genetically Encoded Interaction-Sites Guiding the Hierarchical Assembly of Plasmonically Active Nanoparticle Architectures" Nature Communications 6:6705 doi:10.1038/ncomms7705 (2015). Huber, M. C.*, Schreiber, A.*, von Olshausen, P., Varga, B. R., Kretz, O., Joch, B., Barnert, S., Schubert, R., Eimer, S., Kele, P., Schiller, S. M. "Designer amphiphilic proteins as building blocks for the intracellular formation of organelle-like compartments" Nature Materials 2015, 14, 125–132 (*equally contributing authors) Longo, J., Yao, C., Rios, C., Boulmedais, F., Hemmerle, J., Lavalle, P., *Schiller, S. M., *Schaaf, P., *Jierry, L. “Reversible biomechano-responsive surface based on Green Fluorescent Protein genetically modified with unnatural amino acids” Chemical Communications 2015, 51, 232-235 2015 2014 Huber, M. C., Schreiber, A., Wild, W., Benz, K., Schiller, S. M. "Introducing a combinatorial DNA-toolbox platform constituting defined protein-based biohybrid materials" Biomaterials 2014, 35, 8767-8779 Schiller, Stefan M., "Protein Tectons in Synthetic Biology: The expansion of cellular functionality combining chemical biology of small organic molecules with protein tectons - unnatural amino acids, protein based biohybird materials & de novo organelles", in Synthetic Biology, ed. Giese, B., von Gleich, A., Pade, C., Wigger, H. (Springer, 2014, ISBN 978-3-319-02782-1) Hege, C. S., Schiller, S. M. "Non-toxic catalysts for ring-opening polymerizations of biodegradable polymers at room temperature for biohybrid materials" Green Chem., 2014, 16 (3), 1410-1416 Schiller, S. M., Huber, M. C. "Protein Assembler" 2013 PCT/EP2013/060957, WO 2013/178627 Schreiber, A., Schiller, S. M. "Nanobiotechnology of Protein Compartments: Steps towards Nanofactories" Bioinspired, Biomimetic and Nanobiomaterials (ICE Virtual Library) 2013, 4, 2, 157-164 Kissler, S., Zimmermann, T., Pierrat, S., Klein, B., Schiller, S., Kraft, M. "A new real time biomimetic membrane biosensor based on a capacitive readout ASIC for antibiotics," Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS & EUROSENSORS XXVII), 2013, DOI:10.1109/Transducers.2013.6626774 16-20 June, pages 349 - 352 Schiller, Stefan M., Biomimetic systems: the tethered bilayer lipid membrane, in Handbook of Biofunctional Surfaces, ed. Wolfgang Knoll (Singapore: Pan Stanford Publishing, 2013), pp. 639-683 Schreiber, A., Yuan, Y., Huber, M. C., Thomann, R., Ziegler, A., Coelfen, H., Dengjel, J., Krueger, M., Schiller, S. M. "From Bioconjugation to Selfassembly in Nanobiotechnology: Quantum Dots Trapped and Stabilised by Toroid Protein Yoctowells" Advanced Engineering Materials 2012, 14, 6, B344-B350 Dolderer, J. H., Medved, F., Haas, R., Schiller, S. M., Siegel-Axel, D., Kohler, K., Schaller, H. E. "Angiogenese und Vaskularisation beim Tissue Engineering von Fettgewebe". HaMiPla (Handchirurgie - Mikrochirurgie - Plastische Chirurgie, Journal des Thieme Verlags) 2012, 45(02): 99-107 Schiller, S. M., Huber, M. C. "Protein Assembler" 2012 EP12 169 717.1, 2 668 962 Schreiber, A., Zaitseva, E., Thomann, Y., Thomann, R., Dengjel, J., Hanselmann, R., Schiller, S. M. "Protein Yoctowell Nanoarchitectures: Assembly of Donut Shaped Protein Containers and Nanofibres" Soft Matter 2011, 7 (6), 2875-2878 Armen, R. S., Schiller, S. M., Brooks III, C. L. "Steric and Thermodynamic Limits of Design for the Incorporation of Large Un-Natural Amino Acids in Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase Enzymes" Proteins 2010, 78, 1926-1938 Armen, R. S., Schiller, S. M., Brooks III, C. L. "Steric and Thermodynamic Limits of Design for the Incorporation of Large Un-Natural Amino Acids in Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetase Enzymes" Proteins 2010, 78, 1926-1938 Dolderer, J. H., Kehrer, A., Schiller, S. M., Schroeder, U. H., Kohler, K., Schaller, H.-E., Siegel-Axel, D. "De-novo generation of vascularized tissue using different configurations of vascular pedicles in perforated and closed chambers" Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift 2010 (1946), 160(5-6), 139-46 Knoll, W., Bender, K., Foerch, R., Frank, C., Goetz, H., Heibel, C., Jenkins, T.; Jonas, U.; Kibrom, A., Kuegler, R., Naumann, C., Naumann, R., Reisinger, A., Ruehe, J., Schiller, S., Sinner, E.-K. "Polymer-tethered biomolecular lipid membranes" Advances in Polymer Science 2010, 224(Polymer Membranes/Biomembranes), 87-111 Schiller, S. M., Kambhampati, D., Stengel, G., Dolderer, J., Nielsen, P. E., Foerch, R., Knoll, W., "Plastic Trash goes Biohybrid - Rapid & Selective Functionalization of Inert Plastic Surfaces with Biomolecules" Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 2010, 211, 222-228 2010 2009 Schiller, S. M., Reisinger-Friebis, A., Goetz, H., Hawker, C. J., Frank, C. W., Naumann, R., Knoll, W. "Biomimetische Lipo-Glycopolymer-Membranen: photochemische Oberflaechenanbindung supramolekularer Architekturen mit definierter Orientierung" Angew. Chem. 2009, 121, 7028-7032 ("Biomimetic Lipoglycopolymer Membranes: Photochemical Surface Attachment of Supramolecular Architectures with Defined Orientation" Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, (37) 6896-6899) Ficht, Simon; Jahnz, Michael; Grunewald, Jan; Schiller, Stefan; Schultz, Peter G. "In vivo incorporation of an unnatural amino acid with a 1,2-aminothiol group into proteins using suppressor tRNAs and aminoacyl tRNA synthetase variants" PCT Int. Appl. (2009), WO 2009151491 A2 20091217. Dolderer, J. H., Kehrer, A., Schiller, S. M., Schroeder, U. H., Kohler, K., Schaller, H.-E., Siegel-Axel, D. "Tissue Engineering von vaskularisiertem und transplantationsfaehigem Fettgewebe zur Weichteildefektdeckung" Zeitschrift fuer Regenerative Medizin 2009, 1, 3-10 Sinner, E.-K., Ritz, S., Naumann, R., Schiller, S., Knoll, W. "Self-Assembled Tethered Biomolecular Lipid Membranes" Adv. Clin. Chem. 2009, 49, 159-79 Wang, J., Schiller, S. M., Schultz, P. G. "A Biosynthetic Route to Dehydroalanine-Containing Proteins" Angew. Chem. 2007, 46, 36, 6849-6851 Kunze, J., Leitch, J., Schwan, A. L., Faragher, R. J., Naumann, R., Schiller, S., Knoll, W., Dutcher, J. R., Lipkowski, J. "New Method to Measure Packing Densities of Self-Assembled Thiolipid Monolayers" Langmuir, 2006, 22, 5509-5519 Koeper, I., Schiller, S. M., Giess, F., Naumann, R., Knoll, W. "Functional Tethered Bimolecular Lipid Membranes (tBLMs)" Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers, 2006, Vol. 3, 37-53, ISBN-13: 978-0-12-370622-5 Atanasov, V., Koeper, I., Knoll, W., Schiller, S. "Biomimetic Systems Consisting of Lipid Membranes Bound to Electrically Conducting Substrate" U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ. (2006), 22 pp. US 2006292637; Jun 7, 2006, US patent No. 11/448,127, 2006-448127, 2006292637, Accession number AN 2006:1358045 He, L. H., Robertson, J. W. F., Li, J., Karcher, I., Schiller, S. M., Knoll, W., Naumann, R. "Tethered Bilayer Lipid Membranes Based on Monolayers of Thiolipids Mixed With a Complementary Dilution Molecule. 1. Incorporation of Channel Peptides" Langmuir 2005, 21, 11666-11172 K. Bender, S. Fraser, R. Foerch, A.T.A. Jenkins, I. Koeper, R. Naumann, S. M. Schiller, W. Knoll "Plasma Polymer Supported Lipid Bilayers" in Plasma Polymers & Related Materials, Edited by: M. Mutlu, G. Dinescu, R. Foerch, J. M. Martin-Martinez and J. Vyskocil, Hacettepe, University Press 2005, pp 32-42, (ISBN: 975-491-194-0) Schiller, S., Kambhampati, D., Knoll, W. "Method for Manufacturing a Biosensor via Electrophilic Polymer Layers" Eur. Pat. Appl. (2004), 14 pp. EP 1435262 Fang, K., Zhang, J., Duran, R. S., Raucci, F. J., Long, J. R., Koeper, I., Schiller, S., Knoll, W. "Mixed Monolayers of 1,2-Diphytanoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphocholine and a Synthetic Ion Channel-Forming Peptide Oligomer M2: An Isotherm and BAM study" Abstr. Pap. Am. Chem. Soc. 227, U819-U819, 2004 Knoll, W., Koper, I., Naumann, R., Schiller, S., Duran, R. S. "Functional Tethered Bimolecular Lipid Membranes" Abstr. Pap. Am. Chem. Soc. 227, U858-U858, 2004 Wolfgang Knoll, Kenichi Morigaki, Renate Naumann, Barbara Sacca, Stefan Schiller, Eva-Kathrin Sinner 2004, Springer Series on Chemical Sensors and Biosensors "Functional Tethered Lipid Bilayer Membranes" in Ultrathin electrochemical chemo- and biosensors: Technology and performance. V.M. Mirsky and O.S. Wolfbeis (Hrsg.). Springer-Verlag Moncelli, M. R., Becucci, L., Schiller, S. M. "Tethered Bilayer Lipid Membranes Self-Assembled on Mercury Electrodes" Bioelectrochemistry, 2004, 63, 161-167 Vitovic, P., Kresak, S., Schiller, S.M., Naumann, R., Lewis, R.N.A.H. McElhaney, R.N., Hianik, T. "The Study of the Interaction of a Model alpha-Helical Peptide With Lipid Bilayers and Monolayers" Bioelectrochemistry, 2004, 63, 169-176 Schiller, S. M., Naumann, R., Lovejoy, K., Kunz, H. and Knoll, W. "Archaea-analoge Thiolipide fuer gestuetzte Lipiddoppelschichtmembranen auf ultraglatten Goldoberflaechen" Angew. Chem. 2003, 115, 219-222 ("Novel Archaea Analogue Thiolipids for Tethered Bilayer Lipid Membranes on Ultra Flat Gold Surfaces" Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2003, 42, 208-211) Schiller, S., Naumann, R., Lovejoy, K., Knoll, W., "Thiolipids for Tethered Bilayer Membranes" Abstr. Pap. Am. Chem. Soc. 225, U539-U540: 52-POLY, Part 2 MAR, 2003 Knoll, W., Yu, F., Neumann, T., Schiller, S., Naumann, R., "Supramolecular Functional Interfacial Architectures for Biosensor Applications" Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2003, 5, 5169-5175 Naumann, R., Schiller, S. M., Giess, F., Grohe, B., Hartman, K. B., Kaercher, I., Koeper, I., Luebben, J., Vasilev, K., Knoll, W. "Tethered Lipid Bilayers on Ultra Flat Gold Surfaces" Langmuir 2003, 19, 5435-5443 Naumann, R., Walz, D., Schiller, S. M., Knoll, W. "Kinetics of Valinomycin-Mediated K+Ion Transport Through Tethered Bilayer Lipid Membranes" J. Electroanal. Chem. 2003, 550-551, 241-252 Schiller, S., Naumann, R., Knoll, W. "Biomimetische Systeme aus Lipidmembranen, gebunden an ein Substrat" / "Biomimetic Systems Consisting of Lipid Membranes Bound to a Substrate " Eur. Pat. Appl. (2003) 19 pp. EP 1364948; DE 102 22 588.5; EP 03 011 554.7(1 364 948 A2); US-2004-0023304-A1 Goetz, H., Harth, E., Schiller, S. M., Frank, C. W., Knoll, W., Hawker, C. J. "Synthesis of Lipo-Glycopolymer Amphiphiles by Nitroxide Mediated Living Free-Radical Polymerization" J. Pol. Sci. Pol. Chem. 2002, 40, 3379-3391 Schaeferling, M., Schiller, S., Paul, H., Pavlickova, P., Kruschina, M., Giammasi, C., Kambhampati, D. "Application of Self Assembly Techniques in the Design of Bio-compatible Protein Microarray Surfaces" Electrophoresis 2002, 23, 3097-3105 Schiller, S., Hu, J., Jenkins, A.T.A., Timmons, R.B., Sanchez-Estrada, F. S., Knoll, W., Foerch, R. "Chemical Structure and Properties of Plasma-Polymerized Maleic Anhydride Films" Chem. Mater. 2002, 14, 235-242 Goetz, H., Schiller, S., Frank, C.W., Knoll, W., Hawker, C. D. "Interfacial Properties and synthesis of Lipo-Glycohomopolymers and Random Glyco/Lipo-Copolymers by Controlled Free Radical Polymerization" Abstr. Pap. Am. Chem. Soc. 2000, 219, U579-U579: 436-COLL, Part 1 MAR 26 Jenkins, A.T.A., Hu, J., Wang, Y. Z., Schiller, S., Foerch, R., Knoll, W. "Pulsed Plasma Deposited Maleic Anhydride Thin Films as Supports for Lipid Bilayers" Langmuir 2000, 16, 6381-6384 |
Patents |
Schiller, S., Huber, M. C. "PROTEIN ASSEMBLER - Multimeric elastin-like protein and methods to produce the same." (Amphiphilic and Resilin-type ELP) 2019-10-01, 2019 US10 428 137 B2, Appl.No.14/404.822 Schiller, S., Huber, M. C. "PROTEIN ASSEMBLER - Multimeric elastin-like protein and methods to produce the same.” (Amphiphilic and Resilin-type ELP) 2013-05-28, 2013 EP13 730 816.9, 2 854 863 B1 Schiller, S., Huber, M. C. "Protein Assembler - Method for assembling multimeric protein or peptide structures.” 2012-05-29, 2012 EP12 169 717.1, 2 668 962 B1 Ficht, Simon; Jahnz, Michael; Grunewald, Jan; Schiller, Stefan; Schultz, Peter G. "In vivo incorporation of an unnatural amino acid with a 1,2-aminothiol group into proteins using suppressor tRNAs and aminoacyl tRNA synthetase variants" PCT Int. Appl. (2009), WO 2009151491 A2 20091217. Atanasov, V., Koeper, I., Knoll, W., Schiller, S. "Biomimetic Systems Consisting of Lipid Membranes Bound to Electrically Conducting Substrate" U.S. Pat. Appl. Publ. (2006), 22 pp. US 2006292637; Jun 7, 2006, US patent No. 11/448,127, 2006-448127, 2006292637, Accession number AN 2006:1358045 Schiller, S., Kambhampati, D., Knoll, W. "Method for Manufacturing a Biosensor via Electrophilic Polymer Layers" Eur. Pat. Appl. (2004), 14 pp. EP 1435262 Schiller, S., Naumann, R., Knoll, W. "Biomimetische Systeme aus Lipidmembranen, gebunden an ein Substrat" / "Biomimetic Systems Consisting of Lipid Membranes Bound to a Substrate " Eur. Pat. Appl. (2003) 19 pp. EP 1364948; DE 102 22 588.5; EP 03 011 554.7(1 364 948 A2); US-2004-0023304-A1 |
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Revised January 2022 by M. C. Huber |